Thursday, December 31, 2015

Warm Climate Temperature Afghan - Free Guide

I've been seeing a lot of guides for temperature afghans and think this is a great idea. What you do is crochet a row on an afghan and use the temperature outside as the guide for the color. What you end up with is a record of the temperature during the year, and a lovely scrap afghan. But what if you live in hot climates like Florida? The guides that are out there would make your afghan all one set of colors like reds and oranges.

Well you know me, I get a wild hair and have to create something to meet a need I think is out there. So I've come up with a Florida Temperature Guide for an afghan, but it can be used for any warm climate, not just Florida. I hope this helps my fellow crochet artists who live in warmer climates. If you use this or come up with one of your own, I'd love to see your afghans as you work on them so be sure to come to my Facebook page and post your pics!

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